Philip "Norvaljoe" Carroll

The Pariah Podcast, Episode 7 - A New Understanding

The Pariah Podcast, Episode 7 - A New Understanding

Three men already occupied the way-hut. In the light of a single lantern sitting on the stone oven, one of the men was clearly dead. Blood oozed from a slice across his neck and his sightless eyes stared up at shadows dancing on the ceiling as the other two dug through his pockets.

Keo had entered the hut first and consequently stood between the murderer and his knife. Moorden crowding into the room behind, pushed him toward the two men. Fortunately, the thieves were as surprised as were the two boys.

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The Pariah Podcast, Episode 3 - New Friends

The Pariah Podcast, Episode 3 - New Friends

The Southern Highway brought Keo no new challenges in the first few days of his journey. Paved with square, kiln-fired bricks, the road undulated slowly downhill toward the Capital more than two-hundred miles to the west. The only traffic sharing the road were the occasional coal wagons rumbling to the east. From short conversations with the drivers he learned they headed to the Southern Draw, hoping to find it free of snow, trying to be first to collect coal mined during the snowbound month’s winter. 

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The Pariah Podcast, Episode 2 - A Beautiful Day for a Stroll

The Pariah Podcast, Episode 1 - A Beautiful Day for a Stroll
Philip 'Norvaljoe' Carroll

"Keo,” his mother shouted from the kitchen. “Shelby Lacoore brought something by for you."

On the back porch, Keo stood above a large wool blanket spread across the boards of the veranda and examined his work from above.

On it lay three linen under tunics, three dark green pairs of woolen hose, a black wool tunic, a wool cloak and a waxed linen over-cloak with hood. Beside the clothes were few objects; a candle stub, flint and tinder box, a dozen sheets of writing paper in a thin leather folio, a pen with three nibs and two small bottles; one empty, the other corked and filled with ink powder.